3 Halloween Treats That Can Lead To A Need For Pet Critical Care

3 Halloween Treats That Can Lead To A Need For Pet Critical Care

25 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Some pet owners consider their pets as family members. They may include them in their vacation plans and holiday celebrations. Halloween is a time when some individuals decide to buy costumes for their dogs and cats. This can be a fun activity, but it is important to be aware of pet safety. There are a variety of candy and other goodies that get served at Halloween parties. Some individuals may also enjoy providing treats to trick-or-treaters. They may not be aware of the emergency issues that may arise if their pets accidentally get into the treats. Some individuals may give their pets treats without realizing that it may result in a need for pet critical care. The following points identify a few treats that should never be given to dogs and cats. 


It only takes a small amount of chocolate to cause health complications in dogs and cats. Individuals who have Halloween parties at their homes need to be mindful of ensuring that dropped chocolate gets picked up off the floor. Unassuming pets that consume chocolate can develop issues such as diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, or seizures. These issues need to be referred to a pet critical care unit because they can result in heart failure, comas, or death. 

Hard Candy

Some animals are naturally curious. They might attempt to get a piece of hard candy when no one is watching. This is why it is important to ensure candy is not placed on the floor or a porch even if it is in a container. Hard candy can cause choking to occur. The ingredients in the candy may not be toxic to the pet. They might enjoy the taste. However, the choking risk should not be overlooked. If a dog is able to make it to a dog critical care unit, it might need to go through surgery to remove the candy.


Animals can have allergies to nuts like humans. It might seem harmless to give a dog or cat a piece of a cookie. However, if they have allergies, an allergic reaction can cause them to vomit, have tremors, a fever, abdominal pain, or develop pancreatitis. This can happen shortly after ingestion and last for days. 

A pet critical care center is a  good resource to use if a dog or cat starts to act like they are sick on or after Halloween. Some issues can be life-threatening and should be treated as emergencies. Animal critical care units have emergency services. Sometimes animals get too sick to go home and may need to be hospitalized in an ICU. Pet owners can reduce the chances of this happening to them by ensuring their pets cannot reach treats. They should also be mindful of others giving their pets candy and other Halloween treats. There are a variety of animal treats that can be safely served. 

Contact a pet critical care facility for more information. 

About Me
Working With A Veterinarian

The moment I saw my little puppy, my heart melted. I wanted to make sure he knew how much I loved him, so I took really, really good care of the little fella. However, the longer I owned him, the more I realized that I needed the help of a veterinarian to prevent ongoing health problems. I found a great pet doctor who offered everything I needed, and we worked together to improve the health of my little furry friend. On this blog, check out all of the benefits of working with a veterinarian, because you never really know how much of a difference you could make in your pet's life.
